Wednesday, September 3, 2008

priceless life

Life present us with variety of options. The tricks, tactics and lessons of life beacons us the signal to walk the pavement of life. Some choose to work out the heavy hurdles first and learn the diffifult way of succes while others choose to gain confidence first by working off the smaller shutters in short span of time and finally face off the big obstructions later. I am quite impressed of the latter one where the watershed of "smart work" is conspicous over the "jard work" depicted in the first example. One of the amazing things of life is that there are some secrets which we people never ever share with anyone in this earth. We gamble over those secrets and cry if we fail vowing to fight back and celebrate within ourselves if we succeed. The precious peace of life is our lives. Certainly its a challenge that we smile for,we cry for,we live for and we die for.Every tense moment has an equal share of excitement and sorrow in it. Because those tense moments teach us how to appreciate the smallest seconds of our life and work out the smart way.