Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Repertoire of good moments

Chicken Ghee Roast Day

It was the turn of trio to hit a good restaurant. Occasion? Gold Lady's birthday. Blame it again to my shyness which forced Gold Lady to dump her celebration plans and execute the clandestine plan of treating the trio (no prize for guess the third person in form of mischievousness Smart Dude). Those were the good old days when we relied on Auto. We soon hit one of the nice restaurants at the city, located near a beauty shop.

Gold Lady's phone was abuzz with calls. In fact the way she greeted her relatives, conversed with them and closed the call taught me a lot of things. I was supposed to be excused that day for being too traditional, as I constantly kept hearing single word "pranaam" reverberating in her conversations. Smart Dude was relaxed and clam. His attention was transfixed to the television. Unfortunately I was seated opposite to him and all I could gaze at was their faces, a wall and the air conditioner. A flurry of american accented words were blasted in the air by a group seated nearby. Their pandemonium of fun and discussion aroused suspicion between the three of us. In case you stumble upon these accent, you would wonder if these are real or fake? 

After assuring(or say assuming) ourselves that the accent was fake, we played with words. Smart Dude often poked Gold Lady for her accent. The order was once again initiated by her, and this time she wanted to try a different recipe. So, what did she order?A chicken ghee roast. 

It was time for the birthday girl to be trapped in the illusion of name as the dish tasted out way contrary to her expectations. Perhaps that was how I remember that day as : the Chicken Ghee Roast Day.

The Russian Salad Day

It was time for me to host my birthday treat. Again it was the trio and we three headed to the best hotel in the city. After initial dilly dallying, we finally settled for menu. Smart Dude wanted to try something different now. And in the process he ended up ordering Russian Salad. Destiny ensued Smart Dude the same fate as that of Gold Lady during her birthday treat. The dish turned out to be contrary of expectations. We soon decided to hustle to nearby restaurant and had a good meal.

Wake me up, when 8'o clock ends

The test of time is the toughest in the world where punctuality is the motto. End up being one minute late and you are off. End of waking 30 mins late, and you loose attendance for losing class. End up waking 12 hours late, you seriously wonder introspecting yourself and quitting things. The fear of quitting things(yes, I did went through a scenario where I ended up waking very late owing to illness) brought me to establish trust with my two buddies: Smart Dude and Nonerasable Man. We established a mutual consent where the one waking up early would ring the other two(I was lazy in this department). I often remember Nonerasable Man banging my door to wake me up. When I look back at those days I realized how an unsaid principle is established among people. We three happened to be the member of same group too and it often helped us.

The world of satire

It was yet again the time to hang out at a pastry outlet in the city. Smart Dude was kind again to pack me in his car and give a ride. My soul thanked Gold Lady for springing the idea of going for the cake at night, as I was damn hungry for a pastry. 

We settled with our orders. I could see Smart Dude giggling and asking me to check out the rest room. When I did I found something unusual. A poster read:

A similar poster as this was discovered by
me (Photo adopted from: www.etsy.com)
" If you sprinkle when you tinkle be nice and neat and clean the seat"

World today has turned much sophisticated to educate people about basic etiquette. Gone are the days of carrot and stick. The mood of today is 'satire'. 

No wonder I find it funny and attractive, but I also got the message quick and clear. Companies and retail outlets are doing everything to : a. educate people using their premises, b. politely list the rules without hurting them. 

As the days go by, we would often see such humongous satires with the basic message relating to etiquette and behavior. 

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