Nostrils often used to be a mode of drawing our attention to something familiar. That similar perfume of sweets lady, that delicious smell of chicken kassa cooked at neighboring place or even a shop, that smell in the bus coming from people who toil day in and out for their livelihoods, and that smell of cigarette which you sense when you teacher or boss had just had a puff: nostrils take us back to a moment of acquaintance in past.
So here is a note from me dedicated towards a moment which i hated as well as enjoyed(remember how i did told you that life is a dilemma); a moment which was all set because of nostrils.
Once in every month i used to smell something oily(kerosene like) while returning from plays in evenings. It took me a while to discover that that smell emanated from the reminiscent of the gas sprayer to shew away the mosquitoes.
One of the advantages of settling in a closely knit community(or say colony) is hygiene. From food to air, be rest assured that you are,consuming everything which is hygienic. So does follow all activities in ensuring hygiene. And pest cleaning is one of them.
One of the advantages of settling in a closely knit community(or say colony) is hygiene. From food to air, be rest assured that you are,consuming everything which is hygienic. So does follow all activities in ensuring hygiene. And pest cleaning is one of them.
The fogging machine: Memories associated... |
Much to the annoyance of family members, much to the encroachment of privacy of bedroom windows and much to the aggravating due to the humming noise of machine, the mosquito pest control smoke machine( or the fogging machine) used to pay regular visit to every nook and corner of colony. It used to come with a sound of conch: its terribly humming noise. Even when the pest control at neighboring type was on, we used to be aware of it. The machine did not fear anyone: big, small, rich or poor, and diligently performed its duty. An equal credit goes to the operators who not only tolerated the loud humming noise of machine, refilled it at every step, but also never shooed away from foraying into deep area to ensure our safety.
Few days back while taking a stroll in my locality i happened to encounter a familiar smell; the smell of mosquito repellent smoke machine. Needless to say that it immediately drew my attention back to those good old days when i was irritated as well as excited at the prospect of machine visiting our house. Clearly, i do consider the machine as one of the biggest celebrity guest which has ever visited by house. It commanded respect and slogged to protect us. A tribute to the machine....