Monday, December 5, 2011

A cup of coffee

Life can't be hectic unless your luck runs short. You start appreciating the 1 hour breaks and try to make up for your sleep deficit, develop fondness for mess food after missing canteen dinner/lunch, pat your back when you succesfully conquest(this is the greatest achievement) the breakfast and breathe a sigh of relief for every avoidance of mishap. In this context let me recollect an incident which occured few days back

"Lets go for a coffee treat" excalimed Bravo.
"But why? Who will go? Coffee? Where".

It was time when our group had wrapped up a task and we were about to leave, an enthusiatic team mate suggested the idea for coffee.
Thanks to our nature of questioning(and not answering) each and every aspect of the world. The flood of questions were anticipated. Some of the team mates even had left quietly by the time the questions were silenced.
"I am heading. Whoever wants to join may join in" echoed another team mate.
Brave one liners such as these although may sound classic, but invite wrath of others(particularly those who think that doing anything other than work is simply a waste of time). Still, the six of us managed to locate a empty table at canteen. As usual some(to be read as jokers) of the team mates were busy cracking jokes and some others were busy gauging jokers. A few were entangled in performing the post-tasks closure activities.
Some jokers displayed their sympathy for others, while few were busy completing up the post-task closure activity.  For some, the relationship with the incident ends after the culmination of incident, while for others there are still works to be done even after closure of activity.

A cheers to those set of serious people who sacrifice the small moments fun and enjoyment, and commit themselves in ensuring that everything goes on smoothly.

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